rustybl0ck 发表于 2024-9-22 04:32:38

MTR Resource Protector 0.2.0

你好!我叫 RustyBl0ck,是美国人。我完全不会说普通话,所以我很抱歉写得不好,因为我使用的是谷歌翻译。我知道你停止了你的模组 MTR Resource Protector,但我一直在努力寻找另一个能满足我需求的模组。如果可以的话,我恳请你给我发送 0.2.0 版的 MTR Toolbox,因为它支持 .OGG 和 .PNG 加密。非常感谢您阅读我的消息,希望您能回复我!目前,我有 0.1.0 版,但同样,它不支持 .OGG 和 .PNG。谢谢!

MCWinBuild 发表于 2024-9-22 06:20:54

本帖最后由 MCWinBuild 于 2024-9-22 06:34 编辑


Meow 发表于 2024-9-22 20:24:34

There's American in MTRBBS
(Even though I don't know how to help with, I'm just showing excitement)

rustybl0ck 发表于 2024-9-28 02:21:07

Yeah lol, it’s a great forum! I’ve been lurking for awhile already.

FuchuanMTR 发表于 2024-9-28 09:37:38

Im sorry I can't help you, but I can help you contact the author。@Jeffreyg1228

Jeffreyg1228 发表于 2024-10-1 08:57:41

本帖最后由 Jeffreyg1228 于 2024-10-1 09:08 编辑

Sorry for the delay.
The MTR Toolbox 0.2 is now available at:
Please note that this version has several bugs and only supports Chinese.
You may want to wait for the next release, which is intended to support various languages and more Minecraft versions. However, due to personal reasons, MRP development has been discontinued. It may take long to find a new developer, so please be patient.

rustybl0ck 发表于 2024-10-5 11:42:39

Dude, you have NO idea how happy I am right now! Thank you so much Jeffreyg!!!!!! I've been searching sooooo long for this. I am so incredibly proud of your work and I wish you the best in your modding endeavours! Peace :)
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